Glastonbury 2010
I’m a fan of festivals but have never been to Glastonbury.
There’s no real reason why, I’ve just never fancied it, perhaps it’s the scale of the the thing that puts me off. But why should that bother me? I know I’d spend all of my time on my own in the forests and such like seeing weird global orchestras with vuvzelas and finding my creative side – I’d probably come back master of some quirky South American craft.
Okay, the real reason is I’ve not been able to afford it!
Anyway my good mate Andy went this year for the first time and has written a spanking good review, which you can read here. I suggest you do. NOW!
On my list for next year was to be the EXIT Festival in Serbia, for the novelty of going to a festival abroad, but perhaps I should join the Glasto ticket scrum instead. After all, if it’s good enough for Doctor Who…
Tags: festivals, glastonbury